Thursday, 29 November 2012

The most awesome gift ever..?!

It's less than fours weeks until Christmas and I am so excited already. 
I think you all know those little Christmas/advent calendars for children where they open a little door every day until the Christmas Eve and be rewarded with tiny chocolates. Well guess what - they do such calendars for women too! Very, very awesome ones...
YES. A calendar filled with 24 exclusive make up or beauty product samples (from brands like Lancome, Benefit, Yves Saint Laurent etc)! 
I randomly found a picture of these and I got so excited. Too bad they tend to sell out as soon as they are put on sale.... 

// LANCOME Christmas Advent Calendar //

// THE YOU Beauty Advent Calendar - Features products from brands like St. Tropez, BellàPierre, Benefit, L'Occitane, ESPA, Philosophy, Dermalogica.. //
// L'OREAL Luxe Advent Calendar - Includes brands like Yves Saint Laurent, Giorgio Armani and Lancome //

// SELFRIDGES Beauty advent calendar Containing a selection of luxury skincare, make up and fragrance from brands including Lancome, Kiehls, Victor & Rolf, Shu Uemuta and more.. //

Have you ever seen anything like this before in real life? I hadn't until today but  regardless I would love to get one of these myself!
(Dear Santa....)

Tšau jälle! Esimene advent on algamas sel pühapäeval ja minus on vaikselt tärkamas juba see "jõuluärevus". Oeh.
Täiesti kogemata juhtusin täna leidma pildi ühest sellisest advendikalendrist, mis on mõeldud naistele. Just nii - analoogselt traditsioonilistele kalendritele, on 24 ukse taga väike kingitus, mis aga šokolaadi asemel on testri-(või täis-)suuruses meigi- või kosmeetikatoode. Täielik unistus, või mis?
Lähemalt uurides selgus, et sellised kalendrid ei ole USA's ja Suurbritannias sugugi uus nähtus vaid vastupidi - need on meeletult populaarsed (ilmselgelt.. :D) ja müüvad läbi meeletu kiirusega.
Ma ei tea kuidas teiega lood on, aga mina näen selliseid asju esimest korda. Sellest hoolimata tärkas minus soov kohe endalegi üks selline saada.
"Kallis jõuluvana... :)"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I really want to get one of these to open everyday til xmas :D
