Saturday, 14 January 2012

Oh the weather outside is frightful.. & a small haul

It has been snowing a lot here lately and I'm in desparate need of a proper winter jacket. Therefore, trying to ignore the blizzard I went to the mall to go search for one and also get myself a new setting powder as I managed to drop mine yesterday and it completely shattered.
I did manage to find quite a few nice jackets but I didn't buy one just yet. I'll be going back with my mum tomorrow and let her help me decide which one to get. Although I did end up buying a bit more things than I had planned at first but once I got home I still remembered some MORE stuff which I actually needed but forgot earlier. So annoying.

Anyways, here's the stuff I bought:

Wellaflex Style & Repair hairspray
Rimmel Stay Matte pressed powder - 004 Sandstorm (6.50€)
Ados nail polishes - coral/pink colour with gold shimmers 617 and dark purple 467 (0.90€ each)

It was actually my third time purchasing the Stay Matte powder so I realized it's about time for me to do a review on it. I'll try to cover that in my next post.

One of the things I forgot to buy was an under-eye concealer. I really need one but I'm not quite sure which one to get because I've heard good things about the Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Dark-Circle roller and BeYu's Light Reflecting concealer. Also the E.L.F. ones are supposed to be good..? If you have tried any of those or any other ones that are worth trying out then feel free to let me know :)


Siinkandis on viimasel ajal meeletult lund sadanud ja sellepärast on mul tekkinud vajadus endale kiiremas korras soetada üks korralik talvejope. Vaatamata kohutavale tuisule käisingi täna siis kaubanduskeskuses endale sobivat otsimas ning ühtlasi endale uut puudrit ostmas, kuna suutsin eile teise põrandale tükkideks pillata.
Paar ilusamat jopet jäid küll silma, aga mõtlesin ikkagi, et lähen homme parem emaga tagasi, et ta aitaks mul selle õige välja valida. Pean siiski tunnistama, et lõpuks õnnestus mul kokku osta rohkem asju kui esialgu plaanis oli ning  koju jõudes meenus mulle veel asju, mida mul tegelikult vaja oli, aga olin ostmata unustanud. Lihtsalt kohutav..

Ostudest näete pilti ja nimekirja ülevalpool.
Rimmel’i Stay Matte puudrit ostsin ma muuseas juba kolmandat korda, seega ma usun, et on paras aeg sellest kiiremas korras kaa arvustus teha, mida loodetavasti näete juba järgmises postituses.

Üks asi, mille ma kahjuks unustasin ostmata, oli peitekreem silmaalustele. Vaatamata sellele, et mul seda vaja on, ei ole ma siiski päris kindel milline osta, sest olen kuulnud häid asju nii Garnier’i  Skin Renew Anti-Dark-Circle rolleri kohta kui ka BeYu Light Reflecting concealer’i kohta. Samuti pidavat E.L.F.’i peitekreemid head olema..? Igatahes, kui keegi mu lugejatest on mõnda neist proovinud või teab ehk mõnda muud head peitekreemi tumedatele silmaalustele, siis andke kindlasti teada :)


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